Highlights of the January 14, 2025 Lincoln Board of Education regular meeting
January 14, 2025
The Lincoln Board of Education met for its regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Public Schools Steve Joel District Leadership Center, 5905 O Street. You can watch the full video of the meeting here.
Special reports, presentations and celebrations of success
Employee recognition for 25–years of service
During the meeting, the Board recognized those employees who have served 25 years at Lincoln Public Schools. Those in attendance introduced themselves, and received a special certificate and pin. The Board thanked them for their dedication, and joined the crowd in giving them a standing ovation.
You can watch a highlight of the presentation here.
First reading
Newly annexed property - school attendance areas
The Board of Education assigns school attendance areas to property newly annexed to the City of Lincoln. This action establishes school attendance areas prior to the sale of residential lots, allowing purchasers to know what schools their children will attend.
The proposal assigns the newly annexed area of East Dominion Estates to Robinson Elementary School, Culler Middle School, and East High School.
The Board will vote on the proposal at the next meeting.
Second reading
Newly annexed property - school attendance areas
The Board of Education assigns school attendance areas to property newly annexed to the City of Lincoln. This action establishes school attendance areas prior to the sale of residential lots, allowing purchasers to know what schools their children will attend.
The proposal assigns the newly annexed area east of North 84th Street and south of Highway 6 to Norwood Park Elementary School, Dawes Middle School, and Northeast High School.
The Board voted to approve the assignments.
Items removed from consent agenda
Interim superintendent contract amendment
The Board removed from the consent agenda the contract amendment for the appointment of John Skretta as the interim superintendent for LPS for the purpose of further discussion and vote.
Board Vice President Kathy Danek opened the discussion explaining that the most important thing a Board of Education does is hire a superintendent.
“We are very fortunate to have a seasoned superintendent on our staff,” said Danek.
“I’ve gotten to work with Dr. Skretta as a member of the Government Relations and Community Engagement Board committee,” added Board member Barbara Baier. “He has been excellent in that role, and I am looking forward to working with you in your new role.”
Board member Piyush Srivastav has also worked with Skretta as part of the Government Relations and Community Engagement Board committee and said that he has received emails and approached by several in the community who have expressed how good it has been working with Skretta.
Rauner said he also has heard from several in the community, “We value community input, and we like hearing your opinions.”
Board member Annie Mumgaard added to the discussion that there were five to six people that could have stepped in, but they are also doing important work for the district.
“When your name was brought up and we needed to move quickly, we have someone who knows what he is stepping into,” said Mumgaard. “With this, the district that we so love will continue as a strong district that works for the children, and supports our teachers and staff.”
The interim superintendent amended contract is for 18 months, ending in June of 2026. This will allow the Board to utilize a comprehensive superintendent search process, or appoint Skretta permanently if he chooses to apply for the position. The superintendent search process is yet to be determined by the Board.
Skretta will be stepping down as the associate superintendent for Civic Engagement with this interim superintendent appointment, and the district will begin the search immediately with duties beginning July 1, 2025.
The Board voted to approve the amended contract and Skretta will begin his duties as interim superintendent immediately.
After the vote, Skretta thanked the Board for bestowing the interim opportunity on him.
“We have an amazing team at every level of Lincoln Public Schools,” said Skretta. “I know that when there is a time of transition, a logical question is what’s next? It is consistency like targeting our strategic plan goals of student and staff wellbeing and outcomes, family and community engagement, and others.”
You can watch a highlight of the discussion here.
Informational items and reports
Superintendent update
Acting Superintendent and Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs Liz Standish thanked the Board for their leadership through the transition.
During the update Standish indicated that there was a successful close to the first semester and a great kickoff for the second semester.
Public comment
There were no individuals that addressed the Board during public comment.
Glimpses of LPS
We open every Board meeting with a video that highlights LPS. Tuesday’s Glimpses featured a partnership between Scott Middle School and Adams Elementary School. You can watch the Glimpses video here.
Published: January 14, 2025, Updated: January 14, 2025