Highlights of the August 27, 2024 Lincoln Board of Education Regular meeting
August 27, 2024
The Lincoln Board of Education met for its regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27, at the Lincoln Public Schools Steve Joel District Leadership Center, 5905 O Street.
Public hearing on policy 6443 - Parental and Family Engagement
Each year the Board of Education is required to review Policy 6443, hold a public hearing, and approve the policy.
All parents and family members of all students are welcomed and encouraged to become involved with their child’s school and education. Associate Superintendent for Civic Engagement John Skretta outlined just some of the ways LPS engages with parents and families throughout the school year.
No person spoke during the public hearing about Policy 6443.
The Board held first reading on the policy later in the meeting, and will hold a second reading and vote to reaffirm the policy at the next meeting.
First reading
Newly annexed property to the City of Lincoln
The Board of Education assigns school attendance areas to property newly annexed to the City of Lincoln. This action establishes school attendance areas prior to the sale of residential lots, allowing purchasers to know what schools their children will attend.
The area of Highland View would be assigned to Kooser Elementary, Schoo Middle School, and North Star High School starting with the 2024-2025 school year.
The Board will hold a second reading and vote at the next meeting.
Resolution for option enrollment students 2024-25
Nebraska students may attend a school other than the one in the district in which they reside under the option enrollment statutes as long as they meet the statutory and legal conditions, and their application is received by Aug. 1, 2025.
A new state law passed by the Nebraska Legislature requires school districts to adopt option enrollment capacity limits by Oct. 15 for the following school year. The capacity limits for the 2025-26 school year will be published on the LPS website.
The Board will hold a second reading and vote on the resolution and capacity limits at the next meeting.
Interlocal agreement for School Resource Officers and Threat Assessment Officer
Every year, LPS reviews an agreement with the City of Lincoln to fund school resource officers and a threat assessment officer as part of the Safe and Successful Kids Interlocal Agreement. The 14 SROs are assigned to LPS middle and high schools, and the threat assessment officer is assigned to the school district. The officers help with the education of students, assist staff and facilitate communication between LPS and Lincoln Police Department. SROs take appropriate law enforcement action when situations arise requiring the exercise of police authority.
Each year, the Safe and Successful Kids Interlocal Board reviews and presents data and feedback collected by both LPS and the Lincoln Police Department. You can find the presentation from last November here.
Due to the timeline with the school year currently under way, the Board waived second reading and voted to approve the agreement.
Agreement with Educare of Lincoln
Through the LPS Sixpence Endowment Grant received for 2024-2025, LPS proposed to enter into an agreement with Educare of Lincoln to contract for services in five of the infant toddler classrooms located at Educare of Lincoln.
The Board will hold a second reading and vote on the agreement at the next meeting.
2024-2025 Insurance rates
For 28 years, LPS Risk Management has arranged for the district’s insurance coverage through an Owner Controlled Self-Insurance program. This allows the school district to have lower premiums, hold funds until needed to pay claims, have the district legal counsel involved in all lawsuits, have all claim settlements approved by the school district and keeps LPS staff and legal counsel involved in claims from the beginning.
The LPS insurance broker, UNICO, provides LPS Risk Management with a report comparing the estimated premium costs for standard insurance coverage to the actual Owner Controlled Protected Self-Insurance program costs and estimates a savings to the district of more than one million dollars per year in premium costs alone.
Due to timelines, the Board waived second reading and voted to approve the insurance rates as presented.
Second reading
Land sale - Robinson Parcel
Staff recommended that the Board consider the sale of approximately two acres of the southeast corner of Robinson Elementary School site to the City of Lincoln.
From time to time, LPS and the City of Lincoln collaborate on the location of city-owned public parks adjacent to LPS elementary school sites. The city desires to purchase the two acres in order to develop and maintain a city-owned public park.
The proposed agreement calls for a sale price of $81,982 for the two acres.
The Board held a second reading and voted to approve the sale.
Land acquisition - near Yankee Hill Education Center
Staff recommended entering a purchase agreement with the State of Nebraska for approximately 5.2 acres of real estate near South Folsom Street and West Pioneers Boulevard. This property is immediately adjacent to the Yankee Hill Education Center site and may be used for the new facility.
The purchase agreement is for $340,000.
The Board held a second reading and voted to approve the agreement.
Policy series 4,000 and 6,000 updates
Lincoln Public Schools reviews and updates policies on an ongoing basis to ensure that they accurately reflect the ever-changing work of the district and capture changes to state and federal laws and requirements.
The proposed changes to 4930, 6430-5 and 6570-2 are in line with the new required state laws passed by the legislature last spring.
The Board held a second reading and voted to approve the changes.
Informational Items
Wellness, American Civics, Multicultural Committee
Chair Annie Mumgaard gave an update from the committee meeting and hearing held at 4:30 p.m. prior to the regular Board meeting.
During the committee meeting, the committee heard more information about the Providing Rigor and Opportunity: Meaningful Instruction for Success for Every Student (PROMISES) grant that helped provide training for teachers, provide classes to prepare student for AP exams, and cover testing fees for students taking AP U.S. history, human geography and American government for LPS students.
The Career Academy
Mumgaard also provided an update from the last joint meeting with Southeast Community College. This year, The Career Academy is celebrating its 10 year anniversary.
Superintendent Update
LPS Superintendent Paul Gausman gave an update on the first two weeks of school.
"I have been visiting schools and love the excitement and buzz in the buildings," said Gausman. "I started my formal school visits this week, where I meet with the staff before school to gather their feedback on our initiatives and check in with students. I value these conversations and seeing our amazing staff in action and how they serve our students and families."
The start of school also means the start of fall athletics and activities. Golf and softball started last week, and all other fall sports kick off this weekend.
Public comment
There were no individuals that addressed the Board during public comment.
Glimpses of LPS
We open every Board meeting with a video that highlights Lincoln Public Schools. Tuesday’s Glimpses featured a day in the work of Fredstrom paraeducator Anna Ackah. You can watch the Glimpses video here.
Published: August 27, 2024, Updated: August 27, 2024